A cluttered mind leaves clues
Have you ever entered a space and immediately felt overwhelmed and anxious? Physical Clutter is always a reflection of what is going on internally.
I love spacious and intentional rooms. I always have, but that was not my reality for most of my life. It was only when I began to manage my mind that my home also became well managed.
My home is pretty minimal with every item having a spot where it rests when not in use. However, when I am feeling turbulent on the inside, my physical space also becomes turbulent. This looks like open drawers and cupboards, makeup spread across the counter, four different books beside my bed, overflowing trash cans…
I hated seeing this in the past. Seeing clutter would give me instant anxiety. As an HSP I am unable to thrive in such an environment. Now, I get curious when my home is a mess. I ask myself “What is happening in my brain today?”
You see, overwhelm doesn’t just happen. It is created by a fuck-ton of thoughts that are stacked on top of each other creating mental clutter. If you are into manifestation, you know the saying ‘as within so without.’, which basically just means ‘your outsides reflect your insides.’
Here are some ways to declutter the mind:
Give yourself three full pages of writing space and start writing What is currently troubling you? What feels overwhelming? Even if your brain offers you “I do not know what to write.” write down “I do not know what to write.” When you hold on to mental clutter, to-do lists, resentments, worry, shame… it weighs you down. Write it out and let it go. You will immediately feel lighter.
Before you give me a lame ass excuse like “I just cannot turn my brain off.”, let me tell you that you are not supposed to be able to turn your brain off. It is literally impossible. Thinking is what brains do. Can you get your heart to stop beating? No? Okay, then. Keep reading.
Sitting in stillness does wonders. It will feel uncomfortable at first. If you can only meditate for two minutes to start, it is okay. That is where I started. Now, I meditate twice a day for 15 minutes each time. My first meditation is right when I wake up and the second happens when I feel the afternoon slump, which for me is usually around 2:00 PM. If I miss my meditation for one reason or another, every area of my life is affected.
Get moving. Do a quick workout. Run up and down the stairs. Go for a walk. Get into nature and feel the abundance that surrounds you. Feel the spaciousness of the universe. Remember that feeling and bring it back with you into your home.
Only when your mind feels lighter, can you start making decisions on what to do with your physical space.
Which one of these three will you try on?