3 Easy ways to learn to trust yourself again

Self-trust isn’t something that is taught to us at any stage in life. It’s actually discouraged. You have been taught that your parents, teachers, mentors are more trustworthy than you, right? Wrong, my love. 

You are the expert when it comes to your life. You know what you want. Trust that knowing.

“But, Danijela… I really do not know what I want. I do not trust myself. Where do I start?! I got you, boo.

Here are three ways you can flex that self-trust muscle:

  • Ask yourself ‘What do I want?’

    Journal on this question daily. Set a timer for 5 minutes and get your desires out on paper. It does not matter if they are impossible or seem far away. Do NOT let your mind take over. Allow yourself to want what you want and get it out on paper.

  • Set small goals daily

    Remove the rules you have followed this far. It all matters. A 5 minute workout counts. Reading 1 page of a personal development book counts. Connecting with one person today counts. Once your teeny tiny goal is accomplished, celebrate!

  • Be decisive 

    Learn to make decisions quickly and love the decision you have made. Do not go back on your word to yourself. To become a master at decision making, click here.

Learning to trust yourself is one of the most important skills anyone can learn, but especially women in business, because we have delegated responsibility for too long. It’s time to become your own mentor. It is time to connect with your own truth. It’s time to unleash the wisdom that is already within you.


Self-Acceptance comes before confidence