a magical life requires belief in magic
“What’s different now than the last few years?” I asked a client. She responded with “I now know I deserve to have the life I want.” **cue Angels singing**
Yes, you deserve it. You do. You deserve to go after the life you want. You are worthy of having everything your heart desires. You were born worthy and nothing has changed. The only thing that went wrong is that you started believing things you were told. Things that aren’t even true. Things that are perhaps just interesting points of view.
You started believing things like “Who are you to ….
….apply for that job
….ask for a raise
….run a marathon
….move to across the world
….start a business”
Well, if you separated yourself from those opinions (because that is what they are) what would you want? If you separated yourself from all that feels heavy you would find your worth. Your body knows which beliefs are yours and which aren’t. Where do you think anxiety comes from?
The beliefs that aren’t yours would reveal themselves to you if you just paid attention to what is happening in your body. Once you bring them into awareness, you can clean them up.
Receiving anything you desire starts with you believing you are deserving of having it. I promise you, you already are.
One of the top things I help my clients with is exactly this: seeing their worth and feeling deserving of creating a life that doesn’t just look good on the outside, but also feels like amazing on the inside.
I can help you with this.