No, you do not have to do it all

“If I don’t do it, it won’t get done.” How often do you think this? If you are a control freak in recovery, my guess is often. You end up doing it all with a smile on the outside and a deep fiery rage on the inside. 

You have these stories of what it means to be a ‘good person.’ 

These are all stories:

Good moms make fancy ass lunches for their children (according to Pinterest and IG.)

Good employees work overtime (according to hustle culture)

Good wives cook and clean and never ask for help (according to patriarchy)

Good daughters drop everything to help their parents (according to generational conditioning)

The stories we tell ourselves are endless. They don’t seem like stories. They seem like facts. To you they are as true as the sky being blue. And then you are surprised when you burn out physically, mentally, or spiritually from the heavy shit you have been carrying for way too long.

Something beautiful happens when you start prioritizing yourself. You start being more fun to be around. You set boundaries with people you love and drop the resentment you are carrying in your heart. Your relationships become deeper and more fulfilling. You have zest for life again.

When you treat yourself like an afterthought everyone else will, too. It stops when you decide it does, my love. I tell my clients all the time “See, nothing bad happens when you start asking for help.” 

Sometimes you do not realize how heavy your stories are until you start questioning them. Once you shine light on them and see them for what they are, you can change them.

This is exactly what I do with my clients. If you are struggling with letting go, I invite you to reach out to me so that we can clear your plate of obligations and resentment. Contact me to schedule a free clarity call.


How to say No without feeling guilty


Are you a control freak?